

















July 20, 2020


 Thanks.  Ono-chan wants to roll around in the sea and pool while going mad quickly.


 Today, I will talk about offense and protection.


 My current image is that offensive is the use of time other than habit, and defensive is the use of time.


 Offensive, as the name implies, refers to something that becomes your weapon.  We can get weapons by using time other than custom.  For example, gathering stories of interesting stories during a one-night two-day domestic trip, or just spending a full day spending a festival to make memories, things that I have never done before.  I think there are challenges and excitement.


 Defensive means to ensure one's safety and is like a guardrail.  It is also for reassuring yourself that if you do this you will not die for the time being.  For some people, it is customary to read a newspaper, read a book, and do muscle training, such as eating, taking a bath, brushing teeth.


 The purpose of protection is usually to grow and reassure yourself.  And the purpose of offense is usually to get excited.  I think both are important, and I would like to accumulate more exciting experiences based on the premise of security.


 To that end, I am currently working on defensive measures, that is, habit making.  For the time being, the theme is not to die and to create an environment where you have the right to make decisions.  This habit-building is seemingly modest, but it is extremely important, so we plan to update it regularly.


 And since the attack after that is even more important, I would like to be conscious of this side as well and make every effort to get excited.  And I want to make that excitement as words as possible so that I can talk to other people.


 see you.



 谢谢。 小野议员想在发疯的同时在海和游泳池中转转。






 顾名思义,令人反感是指已成为您武器的事物。 我们可以通过使用习惯以外的时间来获得武器。 例如,在一晚,两天的国内旅行中收集有趣的故事的故事,或者只是花一整天的时间来度过一个美好的回忆,这是我以前从未做过的事情。 我认为这里充满挑战和兴奋。


 确保人身安全的防御手段就像护栏。 这也是为了使自己放心,如果您这样做,则暂时不会死亡。 习惯上看报纸,看书,对某些人进行肌肉训练,例如进食,洗澡,刷牙。


 保护的目的通常是为了自我成长和放松。 进攻的目的通常是为了兴奋。 我认为两者都很重要,我想在安全的前提下积累更多令人兴奋的经验。


 为此,我目前正在研究防御措施,即养成习惯。 暂时而言,主题不是消亡,而是要创造一个您有权做出决定的环境。 这种习惯养成看似不大,但它非常重要,因此我们计划定期进行更新。


 而且由于那之后的攻击比那更重要,所以我也想意识到这一方面,并​​尽一切努力使自己兴奋起来。 我想把这种激动尽可能地表达出来,以便我可以和其他人交谈。

