














July 17, 2020


 Thanks.  Ono-chan, who has 20 times more studies than last year, has skin feeling.


 By the way, today I would like to talk about confronting my writing.


 Recently, I often hear the nuance word that "sentence is a person."  I also agree with this idea, and feel that the personality and kindness of the person appears in the text.


 I think the important thing is to face your own writing.  I think it's hard to be aware of the opportunity to face your own writing.  Even if there are, I often write sentences that I do not want to convey, or I am often convinced by people that I am not convinced, so I think that the motivation to face the sentence is strong.  ..  The time to write a sentence while thinking about how I want to convey it more firmly and how to read it without getting tired is meaningful, and I think that such an opportunity is a great opportunity to face my own sentence.


 It is really important to be able to face your own writing, think about the other person, and compose the text, that is, know your role and the needs of the other person.  By confronting the text, I think that I will be able to focus on self-understanding and understanding of others, and be able to relate to others with kindness.


 One of my favorite images these days is to continue to do my best in the long run.  There are innumerable hitters that can be hit right now, and it's a story of hitting the best-looking one from one end.  I like this image too much lately, so I would like to devote myself to the best of what I can think of in a head-on game.


 see you.



 谢谢。 小野议员的皮肤感觉比去年多了20倍。




 最近,我经常听到细微差别的词,即“句子是一个人”。 我也同意这个想法,并认为此人的个性和友善出现在文本中。


 我认为重要的是面对自己的写作。 我认为很难意识到有机会面对自己的写作。 即使有,我也经常写我不想表达的句子,或者我经常被人们说服我不相信,所以我认为面对这个句子的动机很强烈。  .. 在思考如何更牢固地传达它以及如何不疲倦地阅读它的同时写一个句子的时间是有意义的,我认为这样的机会是面对自己的句子的绝佳机会。


 能够面对自己的写作,思考另一个人并撰写文本,即了解您的角色和另一个人的需求,这一点非常重要。 通过面对文本,我认为我将能够集中精力于对他人的自我理解和理解,并能够善待他人。


 这些天我最喜欢的图像之一是,从长远来看,将继续尽我所能。 现在有无数的击球手可以被击中,这是一个互相击球的故事。 我最近非常喜欢这个图像,因此我想尽最大努力在面对面的战斗中考虑它。

