Happy Birthday SAN chan | Bunny in ☆ Jrock☆ Wonderland~♪

Bunny in ☆ Jrock☆ Wonderland~♪

Thank you for visiting my blog!
Entries are mostly in English, I cannot speak Japanese~( ̄o  ̄;)

Happy birthday to my favorite blue-haired sea otter.

Everytime I see the text on his blog header image "A sea creature story", I think he looks more like an ethereal mermaid, rather than an otter.


Coincidentally, my elder brother's birthday is on 24th April, and SAN's on the 25th. Hiroto's bithday is on May 4, and Baekhyun's birthday is on May 6. MY FAVORITE PEOPLE ARE ALL TAURUSES - !!! PleaseThrob


... Is my future spouse also a taurus-born child?:  *: · (¯ ∀ ¯) ·: *: LOL


Also, it's my first time giving peta in a long while.

I managed to be the third (SAN) person (゚ ∀ ゚) Ha ha ha!

Oh god, I am lame...