Bunny in ☆ Jrock☆ Wonderland~♪

Bunny in ☆ Jrock☆ Wonderland~♪

Thank you for visiting my blog!
Entries are mostly in English, I cannot speak Japanese~( ̄o  ̄;)


Happy birthday to my favorite blue-haired sea otter.

Everytime I see the text on his blog header image "A sea creature story", I think he looks more like an ethereal mermaid, rather than an otter.


Coincidentally, my elder brother's birthday is on 24th April, and SAN's on the 25th. Hiroto's bithday is on May 4, and Baekhyun's birthday is on May 6. MY FAVORITE PEOPLE ARE ALL TAURUSES - !!! PleaseThrob


... Is my future spouse also a taurus-born child?:  *: · (¯ ∀ ¯) ·: *: LOL


Also, it's my first time giving peta in a long while.

I managed to be the third (SAN) person (゚ ∀ ゚) Ha ha ha!

Oh god, I am lame...


Finally received a copy of ViViD's disbandment live DVD today...

It brought back bittersweet memories of the time that I went to Japan in april this year.

Pacifico Yokohama!!

But first, obligatory camwhore pic because there was a cute floating building at the back of the concert hall. *gasp* is this europe?

Just deal with my ugly mugshot ( ̄▽+ ̄*)

Please don't misunderstand, I didn't steal itあせる

After the concert,I saw some girls taking a few balloons, so I ran to the security and
asked if I could have some and he said "Sure, take it".ドキドキ

It's difficult to find balloons like these in singapore. 汗
It was a great inconvenicence for my friend, because they were far too bulky to carry.

I took the ones on the right side of the picture. So greedy....

Well... Since I cannot get Reno/IV/Rgouga's guitar picks or koki's drumsticks,
it's completely fine to be greedy.(* ̄Oノ ̄*)

As for the concert itself....sadly...the sound system majorly sucked.
While Shin was singing, the sound got badly distorted at one point, that I suddenly couldn't figure out which song was being played.

More importantly, the screen blacked out a couple of times.
I wasn't that close to the stage and could barely make out the member's faces.
With the screen having glitches, I was missing out on a lot. ガーンガーンガーン

But, at the end of the day, I still felt glad that I managed to watch them!!
At least I don't feel so much regret as I did with NEGA.

Thank you xiaotong for your help!

Will post up remaining pics later tonight~