The world is now...

Will we, the humanity...

Will we choose the path of return to Eden...

Or will we choose the path of separation and destruction?

We are in a time of truly important choices.


We have a mission to share with the world the love of harmony that truly unites humanity.

 An unstoppable power of oneness flows within us... a love that wells up and cannot be stopped.


 The truth that has been hidden throughout our long history.

 What we have learned and taught and what we have been told have been falsified by those whose truths are inconvenient.

 Now, humanity is about to be released from its long and deep curse.

Why is it that 2,700 years ago, Isaiah, the founding father of our nation, left Isaiah Torah to save the world in anticipation of the end of the world?


A Letter from Isaiah…

Will of Isaiah…

Now is the time for us to realize our mission: to fulfill Isaiah's desire for harmony and love, which continues even after death, and to heal the whole world.


For a long time, the world has become a sad place where leaders with strong egos, strong concepts of self, and winning and losing are praised rather than leaders, loving and aware of oneness.


 So that all people can choose love in this extreme moment


 Healing Animation

Part Three.

Letters from Isaiah Isaiah's Legacy" will be available free of charge until July 31, 2024 (Wednesday/Japan Standard Time)











 MARTH, responsible for the original story, director, music, and screenplay, has a message for everyone worldwide.

The whole world is suffering.

Amid a battle between egos, everyone is living a painful life without saying a word, like a lost child who has lost love and no longer believes in the unity of the world...



When we realize that the main reason for this is the difference between the ancient Babylonian, Assyrian, and other values of victory, defeat, and separation, and the super-ancient Edenic values of love that were sent to Sumer and Naacal and have been handed down, then all problems are solved. All kinds of sorrows are born from the difference in these values.

Initially, there was a paradise of love where everything was one.

Amid the suffering of separated values, the competition, the conflict, and the suffering of those who tried to climb the tower, there was Isaiah.

Just like everyone else now...


And therein lies the true essence of love.

The fate of that precious love is powerfully depicted in this film.

I am participating in this project with the hope of gifting humanity the true essence of every beautiful person...








If the world truly knew the love of its beautiful essence, it would simply realize that this world is one beautiful world and that you are a part of it. At that moment, you would encounter your true self, which is originally and utterly beautiful, and the world would become a wonderful, loving place.


Isaiah, or rather the ancient Jewish people, longed for it, and the story tells us that such a world was inherent and that they were all in a true paradise.


No one has to win.

A world where there is no need to fight.

There is no need to be superior.

Return to the paradise of Eden.

Isaiah, the man who tried to create the paradise of Eden...


When speaking the truth, we cannot say anything without the soul of Isaiah Nagid.

If we hide the Hebrew people, all history becomes a lie.


 It is a history of conflicts among people who did not believe in harmony, believed in the oneness of all things, and believed in the world's division.

It is also a history of people struggling for true justice.

The warlords of the warring states period also had their roots in the values of justice and love of the twelve tribes.


 The issue of true world peace is also the history of sad people who were forced to lie and pretend to be because of the mistaken belief that the world was divided from the true ancient Hebrew people of love and justice...



May we all return to EDEN to realize our true mission and fulfill our promise, and may as many people in the world as possible return to EDEN to experience the true happiness that Heaven has given us.

And now, as all the sadness of this world comes to an end and the world returns to EDN

Every one of you should be aware of...

Why must we reduce ourselves in the world?

Why fight... conflict...

The truth is that everyone is fed up and exhausted...

We want to live in love...

We want to create a world of unity and love...


I hope everyone remembers the mission of being born on this planet and that the world will return to EDEN...



“A Letter from Isaiah-Will of Isaiah.”

Until Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Click here.