Independence Day @ TOKYO / 23, 3, '17 | Taiga Punktual Work 【神戸出身のグローバルフリーランサー】 〜旅と音楽は平和を運ぶ〜

Taiga Punktual Work 【神戸出身のグローバルフリーランサー】 〜旅と音楽は平和を運ぶ〜

Your time is limited. so don't waste it living someone else's life. Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition.
You somehow already know what you truly want to become . -Steve Jobs
YOLO ! 向こうみずは天才? 善は急げ⇆急がば回れ

2017, March, 23rd (Thu) 11:30
★World Leader of Science for Metabolic

ⅰ,Help to Feel Better
ⅱ,Help People Look Better : appearance
ⅲ,Live Better Life
1, See it. 2, Do it. 3, Follow it.
※Needs 1,Endurance 2,Health 3,Brand
**The brain is the control tower signaling the body.
If it misunderstand, it's like to paint dental tooth powder on Black Ferrari's body.

◎MATE(マテ): Affect Recogniton of sense(認識)
Blue Ocean ←→ Red Ocean
Production of Blue Ocean ← invention, overcome another company, Not on the earth

◎Sience Bases Company for Metabolic (代謝)
(Interal organs, Respiration, circulation, Cholesterol, Blood Suger, Bones, Joints)

◎Structure of Driving Force for 'Ferrari' (フェラーリの動く仕組み) → It's like Performance Machine: engine, machinery & Tools
60 Mile/hour ← Cost ONLY 2.9 sec.
○Maintenance is absolutely necessary for ANY car, even TOYOTA, Volkswagen, broken-down car.
【Human's body is similar to 'Ferrari'】
In a word,
*Personal Body is only one tresure in someone's life.*

◎Quality of Life  Ù 〜MATE (マテ)〜
○Bios Lifee
Affect Recogniton of sense(認識へ働きかけ)
Locally Grown & Sourced (Brazil, Argentine, Paraguay)
Even if the performance is good, if the computer (the control tower) is not fine quality, it will not function
Affects GENE Expression in the Brain

◎'Mate' Material Process
Step 1, Hand Pick 手積み
Step 2, Fire Roast 直火で焙煎
Step 3, Extract 抽出
Step 4, Concentrate 凝縮
Step 5, Purify 濾過
❝Mate is healthier than coffee and green tea !❞
【Blue Ocean in the hands of everyone】
Not only makes you feel better, but also makes your metabolism better.
Purify blood in our body, you can feel it in just 10 minutes.

◎World Cosmetic Market ≒ $35B 《400兆円》
Organs are contained under the skin. They are susceptible to damage. (By stress, pollution, sunlight, pollution, etc.)

●How to create high quality product/service → Great Result (結果・実績を出す)
New Science/Technology → Only Strong RESULT.

☆Science is your Beauty
What the Switch to cure skin ? → To Sow Seeds of science.

✦Feature:スノアールゲエキス 、 ビタミンE 、
コエノクロリスシグニエンシスエキス 、 龍のヒゲエキス (ジャノエキス) 、 加水分解カンジダサイトアナエキス 、 パルミチン酸レチノール 、 ナイアシンアミド 、 マリーゴールド花エキス 、 トウキンセンカ 、 ヒラマメ種子エキス 、 カラスムギ 、 セイヨウタンポポ根茎 根エキス 、 チロ茎エキス 、 ユチ茶エキス (カテキン) 、 エーデルワイスエキス 、 カホウザンショウ果実エキス 、 クランベリー果実エキス 、 ビタミンE 酢酸 、 ブドウ種子エキス 、 ワサビ種子 、 ユカミドプロピルベタイン 、 ユカミドプロピルベタイン 、 コメヌカエキス

◎Healthy gene expression
Key Point : Lock in liposomes

★ ★ ★ RIPT: Patch Test (clinically verified)
Since it is famous in the first place, is it effective? Do you believe "effect"?
→ Which proofs have "effect"?
→ Skin sensitization test

· · There was no seizure, inflammation, sensitization in the test.
In addition, using the equipment I got my skin looking youthful. (There are also pictures and images)

✦ Manufactured based on ethics

The environment creates high quality, the world's top "right" product

★★★RIPT : Patch Test ( 臨床的に検証 )
そもそも、有名だから効く? 「効果」を信じる?

さらに、器具を使って肌が若々しく見えるようになった。( 写真や映像もあり)

✦倫理に基づいて 製造


『Prmium Quality』

【Science = Power】

【The World is our Lab】

?Why Japanese people are angry (不機嫌)?
?How to create high quality product/service