ジェイソン・ウォルフ「TEDxTokyo Teachers とは」 | TEDのすゝめ ( TED 英語 スーパープレゼンテーション 洋楽 映画 スポーツ )

TEDのすゝめ ( TED 英語 スーパープレゼンテーション 洋楽 映画 スポーツ )

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Jason Wolfe - TEDxTokyo Teachers




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【話題】 TEDxTokyo Teachers とは?

【時間】 2分34秒


1.TEDxTokyo Teachers とは

 TEDxTokyo のサイド・プロジェクトとして2012年3月に発足した



2.TED の”E” はEducation の“E” であるべきだ












chill :居心地の良い


Well, it’s an honor to be here. I want to thank everybody and thank Patrick Newell for giving me the opportunity to come up here and share, and for giving me almost 24 hours to do it.

As Patrick mentioned, TEDxTokyo Teachers was launched in March of this year (2012) as a side TEDx project of TEDxTokyo. And it was the first international teachers’ event where TEDx dedicated just for teaching. And many people either through mistake or the fact that ought to bethink, the “E” in TED is for education. And I think it ought to be, it should be.

So we did retook(?) the Tokyo International School. We made kind of a very relaxing, kind of a chill space in the gymnasium. And we had hundreds of teachers across from 31 different schools: international schools and just regular Japanese schools. Big wait list. So there’s lots of interest in this. Teachers really want to see this. 

And of course we had some teachers talking on the stage, but it wasn’t just lake a regular teachers’ conference ‘cause we wanted to have things different. We also wanted to have people challenging teachers to think differently. So this is more of a TEDx about learning. We are all teachers and we’re all learners.

So, for example, we had Sarah Outen here. Sara is paddling and pedaling her way across the world through on a kayak and a bicycle challenging herself. Again, she was speaking to teachers to challenge them to take on new risks. 

And we had Hiten Amin talking about using our oversized social networks and meeting new people and actually trying to do something new and inspiring and perhaps a little scary.

And we had a professional yoyoist talking about his dream and how you can’t stop focusing on your dream. And if you haven’t seen a yoyo story, I really recommend it. It’s a personal favourite. 

So if anybody is out there interested in the teachers’ event, please see TED.com for more information. It’s a big success. Teachers want this. It would benefit everybody. Students need this. 

Thank you very much.