Coffee with Kafka | OLIVIA オフィシャルブログ powered by Ameba

Coffee with Kafka

$OLIVIA オフィシャルブログ powered by Ameba
I found this cute rainbow animal print fabric and hot glued it to this bag I bought from the flea market!!! 可愛い虹色のひょうがらの布見つけて、フリーマーケットで買った鞄につけたの!ラブラブ!ラブラブ Love ribbonsドキドキ

$OLIVIA オフィシャルブログ powered by Ameba
We ran out of our good coffee beans so decided to go to Starbucks, my brain is co caffeine-ed up..... I feel a bit crazy. Seriously, what the hell do they put in this stuff? ショック!

$OLIVIA オフィシャルブログ powered by Ameba
Mr. Whiskers loves going to cafes with his mommy!ドキドキ