愛するあなたへ! Here's a little something for you.-節分

'Setsubun' is a traditional ceremony performed on the 3rd or 4th of February every year.
Its main purpose is to dispel the demons from your homes and other buildings.
The literal meaning of the word 'Setsubun' is difficult to translate into English. It becomes something like, "The turning point between the seasons."
A number of different rites and ceremonies are carried out on 'Setsubun' to rid your surroundings of devils and evil spirits.
The most widely practiced is probably 'mamemaki' or bean scattering.
Beans are scattered randomly with the intention of hitting and driving off any devils which may be lurking in and around buildings.
It takes place at shrines, temples, offices and homes.
As people scatter the beans inside and out they chant "Oni wa soto, Fuku wa uchi" which means, "Out with the devils, in with good fortune."
