日本航空株式会社 シンガポール支店 採用情報
-募集職種: アウトサイドセールス(一般職)
-タイトル: シニアエグゼクティブ
-採用予定人数:1 名
-給与:基本給3,300 シンガポールドル~4,000 シンガポールドル
-勤務時間:基本的には午前 9 時~18 時/ 土日・祝日を除く
-福利厚生:JAL スタッフトラベル制度(JAL 便/ワンワールド加盟航空会社便 等)、各種保険、有給休暇等
-勤務地:シンガポール チャンギ空港
・シンガポール支店地上職全体 約 40 名
・所属する営業セクション配置人数約 8 名
• Plan, coordinate the overall sales activities, and collect intelligence from the market and
• Coordinate and communicate the company’s sales activities to the corporates, trade and
general customers.
• Keep abreast of distribution strategy in order to best serve our customers on the most
adequate channel;
• Portfolio management of the assigned accounts;
• Preparation of materials which should be communicated to the customers (eg: sales
related figures etc) upon visits/calls;
• Promoting the company’s product related to passenger sales to potential clients,
companies and trade.
• Plan and execute the sales promotion activities to enhance sales;
• Any other duties as directed by management
日本航空株式会社 シンガポール支店 採用情報
• More than 3 years’ experience of sales or marketing preferably in the Travel or Airline
• Market, product and pricing knowhow
• MS Office, esp. Excel PowerPoint, Outlook
• Good command of English, both written and spoken
• High level of Japanese communication skills (JPLT N1 or equivalent) required to facilitate
communication with the customers and Head office.
• Diploma/Degree or higher
日本航空株式会社シンガポール支店 総務部人事担当 E-mail: jalsin.recruitment@jal.com