Sex education for kids.I'm aware of the impo... | ドゥーラのりこ



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Sex education for kids. I'm aware of the importance of sex education for kids. And no, I'm not talking about sexual acts. With small kids, it starts with letting them discover their own body parts and learning about boundaries. When my son was a baby, and when I had to change his nannies or clean his private parts, I always told him that I was changing his nappies or wiping his private parts. I often asked his permission, too. And no, he would not answer "Yes you may." or "No, don't do it." My point is that I wanted him to know that I was always respectful when it comes to private parts. Even now, I ask him if I can wipe his bottoms when he finises his poo. He asks me for help in the toilet but I still ask his permission. Asking permission for touching private parts is teaching the kids healthy boundaries. Gradually he got it and now he asks me a permission if he fancies touching my boobs or bottoms, which is cute. Sometime I let him, and other times I don't and explain why I don't allow. Also, I don't stop him from touching and playing with his penis as it's his own body. Since he's getting older, I try to explain him that it might be better not to do it in public places as it's not respectful to some people. At bath, he knows how to wash his private parts well and knows that its his own responsibility to do so. The video is when he was about one year and 2-3 months old. He's exploring his penis in the video. I often hear parents saying "don't touch it!" or "stop it!" to their kids. But what kind of message are we giving to our kids? Wouldn't they subconsciously associate shame, awkwardness and other negative feelings with their own private parts? Sexual organs are gifts from God and we should be thankful, proud, respectful and celebrating them. 性教育は赤ちゃんの時から。 息子が赤ちゃんの頃から、おむつ替えやお風呂の時にプラオベートゾーンを触らないといけない場合には本人に許可を聞いていました。もちろん、赤ちゃんの時には言葉で答えてはくれませんが、敬意を示していることはしっかり伝わったようです。 未だに、トイレでおしりを拭いてあげる時も、私は許可を聞いています。(本人が拭いてーと頼んでいても。) 人のプラオベートゾーンは許可なしでは絶対に触らない、というメッセージです。反対に自分のプラオベートゾーンは自由。息子がおちんちんで遊ぼうが、何しようが、私は何も言いません。お風呂でおちんちんを洗うのも自分で。今ではしっかりと自分で洗うことができています。触っちゃダメ!と言ってしまうと、まるで性器官が恥ずかしいもの、悪いものと無意識に思うようになってしまうものです。もうすぐ4歳になるので、公衆の場では控えたほうがいいよ、ということは教えていますが、小さい頃は自由にさせてあげましょう。

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