



Patanjali's Yoga Sutras

The following wisdom is from Patanjali's Yoga Sutras, written thousands of years ago.The practice of mystic yoga can be categorized into the following eight parts.

1, Yama; Control of the senses, including the mind.

2, Niyama; Living a life of cleanliness, contentment, regulation, introspection, and reverence of and surrender to the Supreme Soul.

3, Asana; Physical postures and exercises.

4, Pranayama; Control of the breathing process and manipulation of the prana(life force) flowing through the meridians.

5, Pratyahara; Withdrawal of the senses from sense objects; detachment.

6, Dharana; The ability to focus one's mind upon a chosen object.

7, Dhyana(meditation); One-pointed focusing of the mind upon the Transcendent.

8, Samadhi; Perfect union of the indivisual soul (atma) and the Suprime soul (Paramatma or Bhagavan).