2021 Looking back at the past 12 months, I can say it's nothing like usual and one of the hardest time I've had in my life and literally I couldn't survive without supports by people surrounding me including healthcare workers.I can never say thank enough!! This is a good way to remember their selfless supports and kindness.pic 1-2 homemade foods brought by friends as I couldn't do any household at all, it's not all couldn't post all of thempic 3-8 meals provided by hospital during 1st hospital admissionpic 9 2nd hospital admissionvery severe nausea and vomitting for 24 hours were battle.I couldn't eat anything but marmalade on toast.Goodbye 2021 and Hello 2022!今年は例年とは違う、厳しい年でした。人生初の入院で、医療従事者をはじめ周りの方々のサポートがなかったら、とても乗り越えられませんでした。どれだけ感謝しても仕切れません。そのご恩を忘れないようにさようなら 2021年、 こんにちは 2022#goodbye2021https://www.instagram.com/p/CYKgqdDKBVv/?utm_medium=share_sheet