Lover's birthday present☆恋人の誕生日プレゼント | 代官山 散策 daikanyama Stroll

代官山 散策 daikanyama Stroll

Because the handle name is Daikanyama, it is w in such a title.

恋人の誕生日プレゼント、いくらまで出せる? ブログネタ:恋人の誕生日プレゼント、いくらまで出せる? 参加中

After it presents it to sleep and the lover who has it of the aspect, the limit is 20,000 yen. If it is usual.

Is it 50,000 yen if overworking?To the brand bag.

It is this social conditions. It is not possible to put it out. It becomes impossible to live.


無理すれば5万円かな? ブランドバッグまで。


↓If my friend saw, it is possible to leave tracks by clicking here. Please try.


あしあとはこちら。( ̄▽+ ̄*)
Here after the reed.

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