

春のはじまりを祝う縁起のいいしぼりたての日本酒(純米吟醸生原酒や特別純米生原酒など)と出会えるこの「立春朝搾り」は日本名門酒会のイベントで、今年で21年目。2018年は、34都道府県43蔵が参加。一昨年は33都道府県38蔵が参加し、1日で295,000本が出荷されました。私は去年は「立春朝搾り」の利き酒イベントに参加し、愛媛の日本酒 梅錦「梅錦  純米吟醸生原酒」、千代の亀「千代の亀 純米吟醸生原酒」松山三井、ほかいろいろといただきました。写真は昨年のもの、今年のものいろいろ掲載しています。

・2018年「立春朝搾り」参加蔵元 一覧

梅錦「梅錦  純米吟醸生原酒」

千代の亀「千代の亀 純米吟醸生原酒」松山三井(麹米58%・掛米58%)。写真はfacebookページよりお借りしました。販売店一覧は


春の気立つを以って也。東風 凍を解く(はるかぜ こおりをとく)。「立春大吉」の札は左右対称、鏡。災難よけのおまじないで、禅寺の、立春の日に「立春大吉」と書いた紙を門に貼るという風習のなごりです。今日、そして、春を感じるひとときに、「立春朝搾り」をぜひお召し上がりくださいませ。酒販店のほか、日本酒にこだわる飲食店で楽しめます。

◎Fresh and auspicious Sake on the first day of spring in the traditional Japanese calendar.
I’m SAKE ambassador,Ayaka Ohama.Today is the first day of spring in the traditional Japanese calendar. We celebrate the beginning of spring on this day, and there are events held all over Japan, in which you can drink fresh Sake. The event is called “Risshun Asashibori”. Have you ever heard of it? It’s held by the “Nihon Meimonshukai”, and it’s held in 34 prefectures by 43 breweries.

The Sake is purified in shrines by Shinto priests, and good health and prosper in business is wished with it. “Umenishiki Yamakawa” “Chiyonokame” are participating in Ehime. Since my grandfather was a temple and shrine carpenter, I have a lot of connections to the gods of Sake. I present Sake as Omiki, and want to tell the world how precious and beautiful Sake is. I would like to connect the wisdom from the ancient to the future. Here’s some news I would like to introduce to you.

“Risshun Asashibori” report:
nihonmeimonshukai HP

We are grateful for your always being so responsive, even at the busiest of times.SAKE ambassador instagram is reaching 15,000 followers,1,350,000PV/month. If you are interested in ancient or classic Japan, shrines, Ehime, Sake, please give me or the posts a like. Sharing my page to your friends may also help..Thank you.