Jounal of Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics | 休暇届 が届いています   _| ̄|○

Jounal of Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics



Jounal of Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics



 # なんだかなかぁ...


Dear ○○:

Based on your participation in conferences, we would like to consult your
opinion and your possible contribution regarding the idea of collecting, in
a multiple-author book or symposium proceedings, reflections and knowledge
regarding conferences organization and quality standards/means. It will
only take you about 30 seconds to give us your opinion and your potential
support as a reviewer and/or paper contributor. To do so please visit the
web page: ・・・

As you know, an increasing number of books and papers have been written
regarding knowledge communication via journals, but very few have been
written regarding knowledge communication via conferences, workshops, etc.
Consequently, we would like to invite you to share your ideas/research in
this area by submitting a paper and/or organizing an invited session in KCC
2006 to be held in Orlando, FL on July 16-19, 2006. Please visit KCC's web
site for further information:



Best Regards,

KCC 2006 G... C...
