マリリン・モンロー 日本滞在記









〇書籍 佐山和夫 『ディマジオとモンロー 運命を決めた日本での二十四日間』(河出書房新社 1995年)

〇書籍 亀井俊介 『マリリン・モンロー』(岩波書店 1992年)

〇書籍 中田耕治 『ドキュメント・モンロー』(三一書房 1974年)

〇Web Site ボー 『或る日の出来事』(2014.5.7)


○Web Site Michiyo  『M's Monroe』(マリリンモンロー年譜)





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Following is described in Japan Standard Time



February 1  Monday

  Marilyn and Joe arrived at the Haneda International Airport of Tokyo on 17:45.  It was 4 hours behind schedule.

Marilyn's fans were so many that they were forced to turn back in the plane, to get out of it much later, discreetly through the baggage hold.











(YouTube) Footage 羽田での大騒ぎの様子



 There was a Japanese man who was succeeded in taking pictures of the couple while they were waiting in the cabin.  His name was Aoki. His family name is the same as mine by chance. He was an employee of  Pan American World Airways Tokyo Branch. He took these pictures.




Please pay attention to her right thumb. Marilyn has not officially commented on this matter. She just said that she hit it for a while. But it is said that she got injured when fighting with her husband before coming to Japan.


This is Mr.Aoki. He already passed away.

(YouTube) Footage

Mr.Aoki talk about what happened when he met Marilyn.





near the Tokyo Imperial Hotel, probably Feb 2





They finally entered the hotel around 6 o'clock in the evening.







This man is Mr. Ichiro Inumaru ↓who was a son of the president of the Imperial Hotel. He becomes the president of this hotel later in 1986. 






There is confusion here. ↓These pictures wre taken on Feb 2, not Feb 1.






The couple stayed the Room 244 & 248, suit room. 244 was a bed room. 248 was a living room.


The press conference scheduled for that night was canceled.

Marilyn entered Room 244 and got into bed, but she could not sleep at once.



↓This is not Imperial Hotel. This is Kobe Oriental Hotel. It is easy to confuse.



At that night, Marilyn suffered from a severe stomachache. She was exhausted from the long trip and she had convulsions of stomach. Immediately a doctor was called and he was going to give her injection. But Marilyn denied it on account of feeling shock before. And then Mr.Tokujiro Namikoshi was called.


(wikipedia) Tokujiro Namikoshi



Namikoshi was a inventor of Shiatsu and a founder of the first Shiatsu college in Japan. He was called to treat Shiatsu to Marilyn. Marilyn who put on a purple silk gown lied on a bed with pain. Namikoshi took away the gown, then he was fascinated by the dazzling full nude just like Venus. Namikoshi is the only Japanese person who saw the full nude of Marilyn. In the famous incident which greatly increased the reputation of Shiatsu and of Tokujiro Namikoshi.
Namikoshi treated Shiatsu to Muhammad Ali on December 1973 in Pennsylvania.

















Mr.Tokujiro Namikoshi who was subjected to finger pressure to Monroe has testified as follows. ”I jumped on top of her back, and put a finger under the left shoulder blade. There is a spot to heal stomach pain around here. Upon addition of power, she moaned faintly. With undivided concentration on the fingertip, I was holding heart and soul.  I was holding even with prayer. I have held down for about 10 minutes. Muscle which has been hard to endure pain is loose. Signs to go missing in the power of the limb, I know that her pain had left.
It 'll be on your stop the hand here,however,there are no hand to end in 10 minutes with just a chance of long-awaited for pressing “the beauty of the century ".  I transferred the hands to a rich body from the waist constricted fully, the hand that had been applied to the back.
I think It was not until that time, afford to watch the body of her has occurred to me. Even so, what is a great body!  Skin of white porcelain stains no one was allowed to be skillful with people to come out not good enough. Fat blooming rests with moisture in the skin.
I catch the skin as sucking my finger. Touch of a finger, such as sinks go forever. I contact with the skin thousands of women business grounds, but I don’t know of any other skin this much.
I hold the neck and shoulder. At the back neck, there is a lump. It is a feature of insomnia. Next, I turn over on her back of the body. Landscape of dazzling!
Exquisite curve of over voluptuous body from the waist constricted with all one's might. Before you fell in plump up the abdomen from the navel of Vertical, flora gold, which is not must look. I covered with a handkerchief in hand. It must prevent at any rate, from distracting than this."
It took him to finger pressure of her thigh. Upper, inside, outside. He moved from left to right. And loosen the soles of the feet, head, chest, following breast.
"I was asked in person later. "Didn’t you feel as a man at that time". I always answer this.
For saying joke, you should not. The human being regardless of the everything, has reached the realm of first-class, there is not such as the disturbance of such a mind. It's to think of the ordinary man.
I think that I felt in the fingertips, the excitement of the lower part of the body that would feel if a regular guy. Joy of the finger, it was a very ecstasy."
Monroe recovered gradually, stomach pain disappeared. So take the plunge, Mr.Cyapi Harada was asked for Marilyn.  " I'm sorry, Marilyn. But at one time, go out into the balcony, and you wave to them once for all?. In that way, they will go home happy."
She answered, "I'm good. With pleasure."  Marilyn put on clothes immediately. She came out on the balcony. Great applause and cheers have occurred. This is a picture at that time.↓