"DOWNLOAD/PDF  A Short History of Nearly Everything

One of the world&#8217 s most beloved writers and New York Times bestselling author of A Walk in the Woods and The Body takes his ultimate journey&#8212 into the most intriguing and intractable questions that science seeks to answer.In A Walk in the Woods, Bill Bryson trekked the Appalachian Trail&#8212 well, most of it. In A Sunburned Country, he confronted some of the most lethal wildlife Australia has to offer. Now, in his biggest book, he confronts his greatest challenge: to understand&#8212 and, if possible, answer&#8212 the oldest, biggest questions we have posed about the universe and ourselves. Taking as territory everything from the Big Bang to the rise of civilization, Bryson seeks to understand how we got from there being nothing at all to there being us. To that end, he has attached himself to a host of the world&#8217 s most advanced (and often obsessed) archaeologists, anthropologists, and mathematicians, travelling to their offices, laboratories, and field camps. He 