To all the fans, and to whom it may concern,

Regarding the recent reports that have
 been circulating in the media involving 
myself and the Kansai University Ice 
Skating team, please allow me to explain 
further in detail.

First and foremost, the reason why I resigned 
as the coach of the team was not because 
I was swamped with work.
During my discussions with the Kansai 
University team, I never mentioned a 
word about not being able to make time 
for coaching.

The truth is, I had been suffering with 
harassment, specifically, moral 
harassment in the skating rink.  
This affected my health as well as not 
being able to show up on the rink for 
three months.During this time, I also 
couldn’t get any sincere response from 
the University side.

This July, I had a conversation with the 
University including a lawyer. 
 “We will conduct an investigation 
and give us a report” -  this is what I was 
told by them, however it has been two 
months without anything now.   
During these 2 months, I knew that my 
students were waiting to be instructed. 
I asked only for a good atmosphere so 
that I could get back on the rink, but this 
was also not accepted. 

Somewhere inside myself I knew that 
“nothing would change” and  though I am 
not convinced, I decided to leave my position 
as a coach. 
There were times when my health problems 
affected my other work and it was difficult for 
me to continue coaching.


The latest article says that Kansai University 
asked me to continue as coach of the team 
but this statement is also a false rumor.

When I handed in my resignation, 
the University approved.

During my career, they built a skating 
rink and took really good care of me.
I wanted to show my appreciation and 
respect and requested if I could speak 
with the school president with my 
words directly. 

However I was refused a meeting with 
the president as … “he is busy with no free 
time for the next month”.

I wanted to end this controversy in a 
positive way even though I knew it wouldn’t 
be close to what I had expected.

Unfortunately I couldn’t receive any good 
feed back and as the article says, the 
reason I left my position as a coach was 
because “I was busy”.

As an instructor, a coach, I still wanted 
to continue forward and achieve my 
dream on the rink. 
I just couldn’t cope with this situation 
and it was difficult for me to understand.
I wasn’t planning on formally announcing 
to the public but this pain past bearing 
has just gone too far. 

Because I’ve always enjoyed teaching 
skating, I want to apologize for leaving 
this duty undone. 
Perhaps if I was much stronger mentally, 
this wouldn’t have happened.
There were times, when it was difficult 
for me to smile in front of people, but with
 the support from my family I was able to 
overcome my unstableness.
For 13 years, Kansai University Takatsuki 
Ice Arena, has been a part of me and to 
leave this place was a big decision to make.
As I mentioned before, as an instructor,
 my dreams are still the same. I haven’t 
given up yet. 
If there are any offers for me to teach, 
I am willing to go anywhere.