takako's Englishです!















Do you know the Source within you never stops loving you nomatter where you are

your Source adores you profoundly

your Source finds you magnificent

your Source adores your body

your Source loves being in your body

we want more than all other things put together we want for you more important than everything else that we said to you here or to anyone ever 

we want for you to be abe to look in the mirrow and like what you see

we want you to like what you see because you are a being in the state of evolving

we want you to look in the mirror and see the source shining back from you from your eyes

we want you to see the trillions of cells in your body that are all perfect in their response to whatever it is that you are about

we want you to see this magnificent physical apparatus

we want you to adore the functioning of your brain process and the functioning of the way your body is working

we want you to see so much more to look in the mirror and see and adore than there is to see and not like so much

you've just gotta traing yourself to like what you see

you must like yourself you must like what you see before you can turn down strain toward everything that's in your vibrational escrow

which includes the body you want which includes the relationship you want which in cludes the dynamic dollars that you want

which includes the love of life and adventure of this planet that you want you see

it's all there for you

but you can't get there from there

you gotta change the way you see yourself

you gotta look in the mirrow as you are and like what you see and what you see will change



