Happy New Year!!

Almost a month later! ガーン

I'm sorry!泣くうさぎショボーン

I hope you all had a nice beginning of the year.

Of course, I've heard about the earthquake on January 1st in Notoショボーン

I hope everyone is doing ok!!

For this year, I wish you health, of course, but I also wish you to find happiness in the mundane and small things in life!

Happiness can be found even in the smallest things 飛び出すハート


I've been doing good!

Christmas break was fun! For the New Year, I was at my aunt house with some of my cousins. It was nice!

I was back to work on January 3rd, so I came back home pretty early.


2023 was honestly a bad and a good year. It's hard to explain haha

The first half was pretty hard with my burn out and all, but the second half was good. Moving was so great and I love my new place.

And then, of course, my Japan trip was so great!


For 2024, I have a few goals that I'll try to work hard at.

I want to workout! I want to lose weight, but I also just really want to train properly. Recently, I've start going to the gym. I have one with my appartment! I start by walking on a treadmill, but now I start a running program. I did the first week this week! 照れ




My other main goal is to vlog more!

I want to grow my channel ニコニコ

I might try to put subtitles in Japanese, but it might take a long time...

I'll try to improve my Japanese a bit before. I need to get back to studying! うさぎ


Also, friday, I turned 32!!

Honestly, it's a blessing to have live such a good life for 32 years.

My parents came to my place to help me paint my place.

I was waiting to paint it because the managment of my place were supposed to do it, but in the end, something happen and they can't. So my parents came to the rescue!


Painting on my birthday wasn't on my plan, but I'm so happy that it's done. It finally feel clean haha

I'm so blessed that my parents were there to help ラブラブ

We also put new curtains and it looks so nice!! ラブ

It feel so cozy!

I can't wait to show you in my vlog!


I don't have any recent selfie 驚き


This is the best I have!

See you later~ニコニコ