
I'm 29 years old!
It's quite special to be 29 years old. I'm going ro be 30 soon.

Anyway, it is my birthday today! 爆笑
And I took the day off from work!
Because why not!
I've been at my parents home since the weekend.
So, I was able to spend the day with them ラブラブラブラブ
We didn't do much, but we went skating during the afternoon!!
We went to skate on a lake!
It was our first time skating on a lake.
And its been a long time since I skated? But it was fun!!爆笑

The view was nice too!

With my mom!

And with my dad!

I'm thankful I could spend my birthday with them ハート
I also received a lot of messages!
I'm so grateful ニコニコ

And tonight, we ate fondue! It was delicious!!
I played Switch with my 2nd brother as well!
It was nice ニコニコ
But tomorrow I have to work.
And its already late.

So good night!!