Interesting how things change, huh?

feelings, places... finally, eveything.
Many things happened and I was quite proud of some of them.
Met new people and I approached of old friends, especially one who became a brother to me! I know it sounds a short time, but things have changed too with this person.

Feelings... not changed so much. Although some things, I'm happy with what happened in all this months, especially with one thing (・ω・)/

Maybe next year I'll go to live in another state to finish my college
and to have a better quality of life.
Change my routine can be good to me and to some people to =)

Next week, classes will start once again.
This may be my last semester in that university and then I'll be closer to some people next year ドキドキ

There is more one thing to say, but what I wanted to say, I've already said to you.
Just thanks a lot =)