※ 僕が体験した国際線ジェット機、小型飛行機(セスナ)、水上飛行機、ヘリコプター、スカイダイビングの空から眺めた雲の下の景色、大空に広がる雲海の朝焼け、奇怪な大雲平原、あるいはイギリスのヨークシャーやロンドン、ノルウェーのオスロ、スペインのテネリフェ島やニュージーランドのウェリントン、クック海峡、アラスカの氷河連山や北極の町などのPHOTO ESSAY を前巻の”クック船長の世界旅”とは違った視点で、心のままに綴りたいと思っています。




※※ With photos of the sky, the sea of clouds, the daybreak and nightfall, which I took out of International jets, small/ tiny airplanes, seaplanes, helicopters and during the falling down with a parachute, or towns around the Arctic Sea in Alaska, North Yorkshire in the UK., Oslo in Norway, Tenerife Island in Spain, around Wellington in New Zealand, essays on my exciting experiences shall be edited and published here.





【 Joyous Sail Ship Little Endeavour in Whitby】



 It is a story about a smileful experience in Whitby.


かつて、大学教授でエッセイストの出口保夫氏『イギリス四季暦 春夏編』の中で、エリザベス女王の誕生日の頃、黄色い水仙が群れているのを、詩人ワーズワースが「わたしは 一度に 一万の花が よろこびに 頭をゆすっているのを見た」(110頁)、と紹介しているのを思い出しました。


そよそよの風を顔に受けながら、心はイギリスに、正確にはヨークシャーのWhitby Harbourから北海、North Seaに出航する観光帆船エンデバー号の甲板まで翔けています。






小さな船で外洋、North Sea を30分ほど走りますので、雨が降ると中止、風が強いと中止、という具合で、僕は3回も ”今日は欠航です”という案内板と遭遇したのです。

幸運なことに、その後はWhitby に行くたびエンデバー号(Little Endeavour と呼ばれています)で小航海を楽しんでいます。








僕の盾になってくれてありがとう、とお礼を言いますと、”It’s OK,”、と言って、船べりに立ち続けていました。




Long time, decades ago, a Japanese essayist and professor Yasuo Deguchi cited a part of a poem by Sir William Wordsworth, who made it while he was watching ten thousands of yellow daffodils which were dancing in perfect harmony, at the time of the birthday of Queen Elizabeth. 

The professor said that yellow daffodils could show the celebrating mind of Her Majesty 's birthday. 


Remembering the essay, as I was walking along a riverbank, I was attracted to view hundreds of yellow rape blossoms swaying together in the spring breeze, to the same direction.

With that content, my heart flew to North Yorkshire's Whitby Harbour, my second home town, where they operated Captain Cook's Sailing Ship Endeavour, a replica, which was a pleasure ship for tourists. It was filled with various excitements.


As that replica Little Endeavour was little, it did not go out when the weather was wrong, windy or rainy. Then I, a sightseer, visited the pier just in vain, several times.


After I had experienced those ill occasions, I could try it three or four times.

While, one day, the outer sea was a little rough, not too much, the boat went out and the splashing water did wet the guests, including me.

A young couple were standing at the rail and then the girl stepped backward to escape the sprinkle.

As to her boyfriend, he, with warm heart, did not leave there but kept himself still in front of me, incredibly telling me that he would like to block the water not to spray on me.


He seemed to show the gentlemanship to protect the older guy from the wet, who was a stranger from Japan.  As he had that humour, chatting about with him was absolutely a great delight.





港の出入り口は北海に向かって左側のEast Cliffと右側のWest Cliffが散歩道になっており、さらに先端は50メートルくらいの付け足し(Extension)があり、監視塔のような、展望台のような建造物のが立っています。ここには、危険を厭わなければ、だれでも登れます。僕は足がすくんで出来ませんが。

僕らが港に戻る時、この高台にカメラを持った2人がいて、僕らを撮っていましたので、僕も、楽しくなり、彼らを撮りながら、小さな声で Hello!! と、左手を振って、挨拶しました。

West Pier(西側の埠頭をこう呼んでいます)では他の観光の人達が、遊覧帆船エンデバー号の僕らに手を振っていました。


( There were two people at the tip of the extension, targeting their cameras at us. )

There were always some people on the West Pier, who wanted to sight the Little Endeavour sailing out to the open sea, the North Sea, and coming back into the harbour.

Among them, two people were on a deck of a two-storied structure at the very tip of the pier's extension, which was, for me, too fearful to climb up.


They were leaning upon the wire fence, how dangerous, and taking photos of us, which tempted me also to photograph them from the ship, waving my left arm to them. It was lovely that they waved back to me, without any greeting words though.



( It is not built for climbing for timid people like me, but only adventure lovers. )





( I called him Captain Jphn. )




でも、これはWHITBY の絶好の記念になるのでどうしても欲しくて、40ポンド(30だったかな)払いますからお願いします、と頼みました。すると、奥の方からキャプテンらしき人が出てきて、面白い人だ、オーケーしよう、と言って、スタッフが使ったお古でしたが売ってくれました。





( Skipper Someya, in yellow, was tapping the front door with the attractive, nicely figured knocker at the Captain Cook Memorial Museum in Whitby )

There was one more extra pleasure on the Little Endeavour.


When it was chill, the stuff wore yellow fleece jacket, which had a nice logo of the ship which attracted me mightily.


Therefore I asked one of the stuff to sell me one, telling that it could be a nice souvenir of Whitby to Japan and I would love to pay some pounds, 30 or 40.


At the beginning, he refused, saying " No.  It is not for sale." However a captain-like crew came out of the office and pleased me saying that a jacket could be sold to me. I had to wear a used one on that day, though, for they did not have a new one, wherefore he added to me that I should come there next morning.


Yes, when I showed up at their office around 10 am as the captain told me, he was actually waiting for me with a brandnew jacket and even let me make another sailing FOR FREE ! 


Until the end of my stay in Whitby, I wore the yellow jacket and walked around in the town joyously.


I even visited the Captain Cook Memorial Museum along the harbour and surprised all the stuff in the reception room, showing off my fresh conspicuous yellow jacket.

今回のウィットビー滞在の数日間は、毎日この派手なエンデバー号の黄色いジャケットを着て街中(まちなか)を闊歩し、Captain Cook Memorial Museumにも行き、スタッフに見せてみんなをビックリさせました。


Now back in Japan, in winter, I often wear the yellow jacket, which, I recognised later, was made in Norway.




( It must be quite nice to sail about on the Little Endeavour in the romantic air at dusk, whereas they don't operate the tour after the sun goes down beyond the horizon. )