【改訂&英文添付、which is a revised edition】





【 Inupiat Heritage Center in Barrow  】




アメリカ合衆国最北の町バローは、僕にとっては、新田次郎著『アラスカ物語』フランク安田、大西洋からベーリンク海峡を通過して太平洋までの航路を探検したノルウェーのアムンゼンの町です。町の北(東)の外れに、民族博物館ともいえるイヌピアット・ヘリティジ・センター Inupiat Heritage Center in Barrow がありますので、100年前のBarrowを観察したくなりました。






On my last while in Barrow, I visited the core place of the town's history, Inupiat Heritage Center, which was the northernmost museum in the US. And, as previously mentioned, the novel " Alaskan Story " written by Jiro Nitta and its hero Frank Yasuda allured me so mightily and I was moved so much that I longed to see the Barrow one century before, in that museum.





The receptionist Ms. L was a descendant of the first mayor of the district. There was a photo of him with Mr. Charles Brower who used to be a great supporter and adviser for the Japanese, Frank Yasuda.


The photos of them made me to imagine the life of Frank Yasuda and his fellows in the freezing town, wherefrom I even felt nostalgia.


The Arctic town Barrow was and is still very special to me.










Though I tried to look for displays about Frank Yasuda in all the rooms of the museum, I could not find any.


There were wooden benches in the space behind the reception desk, where I felt very relaxed for a while, writing about my journy into Barrow in my travel notebook.


On the right to the reception was its souvenir shop, which sold a good number of goods. I bought many, of course, ball point pens, T-shirts, scarfs and so on.  One of them, a T-shirt with a print of a White Owl , which is a symbol of Barrow, on is my favorite and I still wear it often.








