【改訂&英文添付、which is a revised edition 】




【 Running Glaciers on the Mountains 










Some glaciers  seemed to be running on the mountain slopes.

At the beginnig of the white world, I imagined an illusion that there would snow mobiles, drawing rakes, run around and leave stripes of their trails on the glaciers; of course "Not so, but only nature's artwork,"  though.






この氷河(上の写真)を見た時は、本当に信じられませんでした。岩の向こうに見える氷河は、連山の中でいちばん速い流れのようです。もちろん、視覚的に確認できるほど動いてはいないのですが・・・ 幻覚・・・これが不思議なのです。



The glacier (the photo above) surprisingly looked like a rapid in a valley. However, I could not recognize its actual movement optically at all; the ice mass did no drift that fast、wherefore I wonder which would be faster, the glacier or a snail. It does not mean the huge, pink sea snail Dr. Do Little was searching for in the southern sea.