【改訂&英文添付、which is a revised edition 】

☆彡 2016年と2018年8月、アラスカの氷河観光の物語り続編です ☆彡



【Glaciers Falling down into the Water of Prince William Sound】












I feel that Nature often creates amazing objects far beyond our understanding.


I had learned, from books and TV programms before leaving Tokyo, that the colossal glaciers would fall off the mountains into the sea water.


However in August 2016 and 2018, incredible glaciers, which were absolutely different from those to be seen from sightseeing boats, as I knew, could be observed from the sky, when I flew around in a seaplane. 






2018年8月には、飛行場の湖(!)からTurn Again河まで快晴でしたが、上空の雲が次第に山々の氷河を覆って、恐怖の氷河に変身させていました。








In 2018, the weather around Anchorage was changeable, as usual.


It was perfectly sunny from the plane departed from the lake until the time when the glaciers could be seen.


Over the glaciers, were cloud masses drifting in the sky, some were whity like ordinal ones, another gray, quite dark. Some of the clouds were wrapping mountains and glaciers. Therefore many of the glaciers were decorated curiously, rather furiously by the clouds and the sunlight.


It could be an art, an expression of NATURE itself.




















The glaciers to be seen in these photos are ice masses which cling firmly onto the mountains. Although they seem to be running or falling at that second, but an illusion, and they are absolutely still, almost.










(The ice pieces, which fell off the huge glacier, were floating around in the sea.)