In May I have started traveling over Japan to interview people, who have been spending their time in their own ways ... impressive, eccentric, unusual, or informative lifestyle!

Today, I had a zoom meeting with a HP building company, which I've had last December as well, and decided to ask them for producing a HP for my documentary project so that English speaking people can see how Japanese local people are living in this country.(English/Japanese bilingual version)

Last year in April, I met a Japanese guy, who has been traveling over Japan by his motorcycle, on the bridge of Tainokawa in Yakushima Island. Accidentally or necessarily, he's been interested in ufo/et, and he told me he's encountered ufo in a foreign country. I visited Yakushima Island to hold a ufo/et event along with sightseeing out there.

Here're some episodes of the guy, whom I met in Kyoto last May ... very unique and eccentric lifestyle he's been living.



ジャーナルを振り返ると、彼との出会いについて何も記載されていなかった … 記憶には取材の対象と考えていたようだが、旅の目的がUFOコンタクトだったからだろう。











彼はバイクからPR用の黒い猫のイラストが描いてある絵ハガキを取り出して、住所と連絡先を書いて渡してくれた … 以来、1年以上のインターバル後の再会となった。

Street Artist…Mr. M. Adachi

We first met on the bridge over Taino-kawa River in Yakushima Town last year. Amazed with sort of sensation, each of us released the shutter of our cellphone in succession, looking down the stream of torrent after the heavy rain. We stood on both sides of the bridge,

I don’t remember why I didn’t record this first meeting, but assume my major purpose of the tour was UFO contact out there … just recalled to contact him some time after then.

I started my one week stay in Yakushima Island with a shower and blast wind, landing on Yakushima Airport, and then got on the belt line bus from the airport to get to the reserved guest house. Rain continued till next morning. I remember I went out to buy some foods for a week by the belt line bus, as it became a light rain again at noon next day. And on the way back I found him on the bridge. I spoke to him, approaching from the other side of the bridge,

“What a scene!”, and he turned back to me with a smile and nodding.

I noticed his 250cc motorcycle overloaded with many belongings, and realized he wasn’t a local.

“Where are you from?”, I asked him, and then in a minute I explained my visiting purpose.

“I’m from Kyoto, and I’ve seen a UFO before.”, he yielded to my question. I was so happy to get his answer, showing his interest in UFO.

“Will you tell me your address and phone number?”, I requested him.

Then from his motorcycle bag he took out a post card with a black cat picture and wrote down his address and phone number.


A year more has passed since then.



ジャーナルを振り返ると、彼との出会いについて何も記載されていなかった … 記憶には取材の対象と考えていたようだが、旅の目的がUFOコンタクトだったからだろう。











彼はバイクからPR用の黒い猫のイラストが描いてある絵ハガキを取り出して、住所と連絡先を書いて渡してくれた … 以来、1年以上のインターバル後の再会となった。

Street Artist…Mr. M. Adachi

We first met on the bridge over Taino-kawa River in Yakushima Town last year. Amazed with sort of sensation, each of us released the shutter of our cellphone in succession, looking down the stream of torrent after the heavy rain. We stood on both sides of the bridge,

I don’t remember why I didn’t record this first meeting, but assume my major purpose of the tour was UFO contact out there … just recalled to contact him some time after then.

I started my one week stay in Yakushima Island with a shower and blast wind, landing on Yakushima Airport, and then got on the belt line bus from the airport to get to the reserved guest house. Rain continued till next morning. I remember I went out to buy some foods for a week by the belt line bus, as it became a light rain again at noon next day. And on the way back I found him on the bridge. I spoke to him, approaching from the other side of the bridge,

“What a scene!”, and he turned back to me with a smile and nodding.

I noticed his 250cc motorcycle overloaded with many belongings, and realized he wasn’t a local.

“Where are you from?”, I asked him, and then in a minute I explained my visiting purpose.

“I’m from Kyoto, and I’ve seen a UFO before.”, he yielded to my question. I was so happy to get his answer, showing his interest in UFO.

“Will you tell me your address and phone number?”, I requested him.

Then from his motorcycle bag he took out a post card with a black cat picture and wrote down his address and phone number.


A year more has passed since then.