This is one of my assignments to practice narrtive essays in writing class, but this actually happened so I write it down as a memory.


Where I grew up, people tend to believe and trust easily. I was born in a small island, so it often happens that I relate others even if I don't know them. I would say most people who live in my neighborhood are my relatives. [I exagerated to be honest.] Schools and parents taught us that be careful about strangers. However, my hometown is so safe that we had never experienced dangerous situations. I was optimistic, so I didn't notice the importance that we should not trust strangers, which can be dangerous in big cities.


In this time, I was taking a year off from university to study overseas. It had happened since I hadn't adapted to new environment and life in Toronto, and I think it was approximately tenth day. While I was waiting for a bus at the bus stop near from my homestay where is suburban, one guy who I don't know, and he seemed to be in trouble, suddenly asked me "Can you lend me twenty dollars?" He kept going to explain what happened to him last night. According to him, he didn't remember how he got there because he was so smashed last night. He lost all stuff he possessed such asa smartphone and wallet, so he was stuck in the situation where he can't get home is far away from where we were. I totally got where he's coming from, and I couldn't find a solution although I put myself in his shoes. Later on, I'd decided to give him twenty dollars with my information included email address and telephone number. I told him to contact me to bring money back after he got home. He thanked me a lot, then he said goodbye with a big smile. I was believing that I made a good decision to solve this matter in a best way.


Finally, he had never contacted me at all. Before this experience, I was expecting that everything will be alright no matter what, but it wasn't so simple. Now, I learned that it is imortant to suspect people who I don't know. Especially, when I face with some troubles related to money.