Field Trip Coffee

I went there in the early morning. After I saw my friend off at the airport, I was looking for a cafe where I can have breakfast until going to the school, and I reached there at all. 

The server made the latte art for me that has a leaf and a smiling face which is cute and amused me. It encouraged and made me happy although I was lonely because it was after I said goodbye to my friends. 

I spent time reading “paradise rot” which’s the recommendation from my teacher. It’s been a while since I tried to read books written in English, even in Japanese though. I’ve read some books written in English few times back in Japan, but it was not an interesting, cause I was forced to read them by my English teacher for the purpose of improving reading skill. But this time, actually, I’m willing to read it surprisingly. Of course, I need to search the definitions of the words when I face the words that I don’t know, which is such a hassle ! Because It takes lots of time and energy, and it prevents me from being absorbed in reading. However, I gradually got sucked into the world of the book. This is when I am enthusiastic about it.

Waking up in the early morning brings me the great begging of the day !