Chadwick (268 Howland Ave, Toronto, ON M5R 3B6)

I have plenty of time in mornings recently because I changed my courses. It starts at 11:30 every weekdays, that means I can spend morning time freely ! Yes !
We usually start our class by talking about things we did yesterday and things we’re gonna do after school, which is called “catch up”. While I was talking to my teacher, I assumed that there are few types of foods in Canada. Some famous foods in Canada that I know are only Hamburgers and Poutines. I told my teacher about it, he suggested that I go to this restaurant. 

My friend and I went out for brunch. I tried the cuisine in the top of the menu. I don’t know how I can describe it, but that was so delicious ! Baked potatoes and scrambled eggs with tomatoes and cheese, which is a perfect combination ! I wanted to inquire how to cook this. If I get a chance to visit there again, I’ll order same one.