Cherry Bomb Coffee (Queen West)
79 Roncesvalles Ave, Toronto, ON M6R 2K6

This is one of my teacher’s recommendation. You can try many different kinds of croissants such as cheese, jalapeño, apple, butter and more. These are amazing ! I couldn’t understand croissants’s deliciousness so far. They’re okay, but I don’t think I wanna eat. However, after I tasted their croissants, I’m completely into it. I’ve even wondered I wish I could live around there, because this coffee shop opens at 7am, which is so early. Unfortunately, it’s actually far away from my house(it takes over an hour...)and cold outside these days so that it could be overwhelming forces at the beginning of the day. Another reason why I wanna live there is that many people stop by at the cherry bomb coffee before their work, school. Therefore, if I go there at after 10am, most of croissants will be out of anymore. This is representing how much their croissants are popular and famous.