




























































まず一つ目は、食べる時間を90分ずらすだけ。具体的には、具体的には、朝食の時間は遅めに、夕食の時間を早めにスライドさせるだけで体脂肪が減少したというもの( Journal of Nutritional Science, 2018; 7 )。





もう一つは、食事時間を8~10時間内に限定するもの。それ以外の時間には食事を摂らないということです。この方法では、マウスはなんと高脂肪食でも太ることはなかったといいます(Cell Metabolism, 2018)。















Quick way to reduce your body fat


When I randomly talk with people in the gym, two things get verified- what I’ve been working on and the basics of the science are correct.


When you are on a low carb diet, you lose body fat on the surface of your body and “cutting” starts to show momentarily. “Cutting” means your muscles get more definition as you lose subcutaneous fat.


However, people on low carb diets all testify that they can’t bulk (which is no wonder, it’s just basic science).


Then they’d experience:

-severe rebound (more weight gain especially around the belly)


-catching colds easily


Well, I’d guess so.


My blog post yesterday was about the Venezuelan hunter-gatherers whose diet was consisted of daily intake of cassava and fruits. If they alter their diet to a low carb one, they’d lose their stamina and have hard time hunting and gathering around.


Also, my objective observation tells me that people on longtime low carb diets have aging spots on their skin (they show that “lipolysis creates disease”). Thus, the diet causes premature aging.


What low carb diets do to our body in a long run is quite obvious, but low carb diets (like Atkins diet) which are so obsolete are still out there, and I guess it’s because of the power of mass-media, which is a part of the modern system in this world.


Do you know that there is a quick way to have cutting and still maintain good health in the long term without risking your lifelong wellness?


It’s called “Sakitani’s 16:8 diet method”.


This method focuses on when to take meals, which is called “ time-restricted feeding”.


I’d like to share two experimental reports that were published consecutively, which verify this diet method. The first experiment is about shifting meal times by 90 minutes. To be specific, they lost body fat by merely delaying breakfast and advancing dinner by 90 minutes each.


The other is about restricting feeding time within eight to ten hours per day. No food access was allowed out of this time frame other than water. In this experiment, it turned out that mice didn’t gain weight even on high fat diet.


“Sakitani’s 16:8 diet method” has eight to ten-hour time frame for meals (but don’t forget to keep feeding simple sugars such as brown sugar, honey or fruits for the remaining sixteen hours).


In the mice experiment above, it seems the feeding time frame can be as long as ten hours.


Anyway, cutting is available for you by merely restricting your meal time.


My new book “Sakitani’s 16:8 diet method” will be out by the end of this year, so please look forward to it!








