すでに、アプリをダウンロードできない仕様になった初代iPad miniには、愛着がある。持ち運びができるし、使いやすいと思ってずっと愛用していた。
自分はもともとiPod touchを愛用してるので使い方も熟知してる。そんな感じで使い勝手の良いタブレットだった。サポート終了のアナウンスの後に考えたのは、こいつを初期化しようと思いすぐに初期化した。
そんな感じで早速、iPadを取り出しIDを打ち込み・・無事・・iPad miniが復活した。本当にヾ(。>﹏<。)ノ゙✧*。。

I already have an attachment to the original iPad mini, which has become a specification that can not download apps. I've been using it for a long time because I thought it was portable and easy to use. I've always used an iPod touch, so I know how to use it. It was such an easy-to-use tablet. After the end of support announcement, I decided to initialize this guy and initialized it immediately. However, there was a problem. Initialization was easy. But it was in Activation Lock. why. That's why I typed in my ID, but it was rejected. I forgot the character string of this guy's ID. because i don't use it. I frantically searched on my device but couldn't find it. What should I do. I left it alone for a while. It can't be helped if you think it's a waste of treasure, but there's nothing you can do about it. It was like that. I completely forgot about that. Because this was 2-3 years ago. I found out that the email address I used as my ID was already discarded due to the provider's contract change. I couldn't do anything. It was like that. I completely forgot about that, when I checked my net mail on my computer, when I checked my e-mail address... Huh? ? This is the ID guy. why. With that kind of feeling, I took out the iPad immediately and typed in the ID, and the iPad mini was restored. Really ヾ(。>﹏<。)ノ✧*. .