With the invasion of Ukraine, some people in Japan are beginning to think seriously about defense. And what should we do when war breaks out? I feel that more and more people are in favor of the proposal to increase defense spending. However, knowing that the contents will be covered by the tax increase, most people will feel distrust towards the government at once.

Under such circumstances, Okinawa is the place where we should seriously face the Taiwan emergency. After Mr. Pelosi visited Taiwan, he surrounded Taiwan and shot missiles. One of them landed in Japan. Many people will know this and become serious about it.

And you wrote that Taiwan and Okinawa are similar...? ?

Because, against the battle on Kinmen Island, this reporter seems to lack the battle he defended desperately to defend Taiwan. Many civilians are said to have been killed. eh? ? Mr. Kadota doesn't say that in his book. He exposes the sacrifice of the islanders and gives the impression that the islanders were sacrificed along with the negative legacy and Okinawa.

Besides, even if you say that China and Taiwan are the same ethnicity, I feel a little doubtful. Certainly, many Han Chinese migrated to Taiwan with Chiang Kai-shek's army. However, the people of the Qing Dynasty who migrated from China to Taiwan since ancient times were of various races other than the Han Chinese. Also, why is it not written about the existence of the Taiwanese who lived before the war? Am I the only one who feels some kind of intention in saying that I'm Han Chinese?

People who think that Taiwan and China are the same Han Chinese will only say so because they are Han Chinese. And China and Taiwan aren't just Han Chinese either.

Also, regarding the Taiwanese emergency, I have doubts about the words that it would be good to get along peacefully. It was written about the massacre of the Taiwanese by the Kuomintang led by Chiang Kai-shek in Mr. Jin Mei-ling's book. I believe this Okinawa Times also had a story about a man who filed a lawsuit in this case. You seem to be ignoring that.

Considering such things, a Taiwan emergency would be the survival of Taiwan. If it loses, there is a high possibility that the massacre will occur again in Taiwan. I feel that this media that ignores it is the media from China.