8/12 豪「シドニー・モーニング・ヘラルド」紙 インタビュー | 衆議院議員 岸 信夫 オフィシャルブログ「の・ぶ・ろ・ぐ」Powered by Ameba

8/12 豪「シドニー・モーニング・ヘラルド」紙 インタビュー


Japan’s Defence Minister has warned China is trying to change the status quo in the region by force and has called on Australia and other allies to step up to ensure Beijing’s dominance is not inevitable.

In some of his strongest comments on the deteriorating security situation across the Indo-Pacific, Nobuo Kishi said the shifting power balance between the US and China “has become very conspicuous” while a military battle over Taiwan had “skewed greatly in favour of China”.

日経新聞「岸防衛相、豪州の対中対応強化に期待 豪紙インタビュー


時事通信「岸防衛相、豪州の対応強化に期待 インド太平洋で中国対抗―有力紙インタビュー」
