













(1) As many schools work to improve their classroom,・・・


(2) The first, Stimulation, has two aspects: color and complexity. This has to do with the ceiling, floor, walls, and interior furnishings.


(3) A bright color could be used on one wall, on the floor, window coverings, or furniture.


(4) it can be visually distracting to have too many things displayed on walls.


(5) Ownerships refers to whether the classroom feels personalized.



(6) Examples of this include having chairs and desks that are suitable for student sizes and ages, and providing stroage space and areas for displaying student works or projects.【全体の文構造】


(7) Flexibility is about having a classroom that allows for different kinds of activities.


(8) While Naturalness is more familiar to us, and therefore often considered the priority, the other components are equally important.




(1) As many schools work to improve their classroom,・・・




(2) The first, Stimulation, has two aspects: color and complexity. This has to do with the ceiling, floor, walls, and interior furnishings.


→多くの受験生が手が止まりそうですね。have to do with Aは「Aと関係がある」という意味です。


(3) A bright color could be used on one wall, on the floor, window coverings, or furniture.


could beは「かもしれない」という意味です。中学校の「できた」で解釈すると全く通じなくなります。


(4) it can be visually distracting to have too many things displayed on walls.


can beも「かもしれない」です。また、have+O(物)+p.p.で「Oは~される」という意味です。



(5) Ownerships refers to whether the classroom feels personalized.


refer to Aは「Aを指す」です。ちなみに、refer to A as Bは「AをBと呼ぶ」です。


(6) Examples of this include having chairs and desks <that are suitable for student sizes and ages>, and providing stroage space and areas for displaying <student works or projects>.【全体の文構造】


英文の主語はExamples of thisで、動詞はincludeです。includeに対する目的語はhaving~agesと、and以下のproviding ~ projectsです。

つまり、Examples of this / include / having ~, and providing ・・・です。


(7) Flexibility is about having a classroom that allows for different kinds of activities.


→allow O to Vならば「OにVすることを許す、OはVできる」ですが、allow for Aは「Aを認める」です。


(8) While Naturalness is more familiar to us, and therefore often considered the priority, the other components are equally important.







 第4問 重要語句(ご自由にどうぞ)