『Okagesama de』インタビュー撮影終了! | Go for Broke ~ハワイ日系二世の記憶~

Go for Broke ~ハワイ日系二世の記憶~


『Okagesama de 〜ハワイ日系女性の軌跡〜』の3回目のインタビュー撮影を終え、今回でインタビューが終了しました。


昨年の企画段階から数名の方が亡くなり、本当に厳しい取材でした。 Go for Broke の時はベテランだけに会えば良かったのですが、今回はコンテンツの種類が多く、それに適した方を探すのが大変でした。コンテンツによって、思った以上の話が聞けましたし、コンテンツによってはままならないことがありました。


また、最終日に企画内容を変更した方が良い女性のインタビューも収録できました。 100 %満足していませんが、それも「仕方がない(二世がよく使います)」のだと思います。でも、今聞いて残しておかなければ、との思いは強くなりました。

インタビューをした年齢は、平均すると 90 歳以上になります。ご存命で語ってくれただけでも感謝です。









Thank you for your support
The third interview shoot is over. And finish the interview this time.
Several people died from the planning stage of last year, and it was really tough coverage. At Go for Broke movie, we see only veterans, but this time there were many types of content and it was hard to find a person suitable for it. Depending on the content, we could hear more stories than we thought, and sometimes we could not keep it depending on the content. Also, we was able to record an interview of a good woman who changed the contents of the project on the final day. 100% we are not satisfied, but we think that it is also "Shikataga nai (nisei will use it a lot)". But now we have to listen and record it, the feeling of becoming stronger. The average age we interviewed will be over the age of 90. We are thankful just to talk about their life.

Then we must apologize to everyone.
That means that we have no choice but to give up on the Hawaii International Film Festival. In the end of June deadline, but had been noisily towards it, it took time to find the interview subjects, such as that the budget is tough, but we are sorry become the excuse, realistic we judged it tough.
However, the original purpose was to screen in Hawaii within 2018. We gat the cooperation of the Hawaii Nikkei organizations, we aim to Hawaii screenings of the year in voluntary screening.