
United States Patent Application: 0090006311

『A system and method for automated search engine optimization (SEO) are disclosed. The automated SEO may analyze search query logs, or a search log database to determine popular concepts/units which may be automatically utilized to optimize a site or page for search engine results. The site or page is edited based on the automated SEO. In particular, the search log database may provide a unit frequency list reflecting the popularity of various units. The more popular units that are related to the content of the page may be used in the automated SEO of the page. The unit frequency list may be compared with the existing units of a page, so that the more popular concepts within the page may be emphasized. 』

SMX West 2009 メモ2 - SEO&SEM 五足の靴


adwords も結局 overture からの借り物ですしね。

TABLOG:NTTデータDoblogの障害を見て~やはり辞めてよかったと思う元社員 - livedoor Blog(ブログ)

橋下徹、「サービスを削って黒字化しただけ、ほめられた話ではない」と自ら認める - kojitakenの日記




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