衝撃!!別人の歌! あのマイケルジャクソンの新しい歌"This Is It"は 別人が歌っていた
-Paul Anka , Michael Jackson
衝撃!!別人の歌! あのマイケルジャクソンの新しい歌"This Is It"は 別人が歌っていたと暴露、共同著作者ポールアンカが 無名のラテン歌手に歌わせ、録音したもの、無断の著作権侵害で控訴すると訴える、しかし すぐMJ財産管理人は 売上半分半分で和解、で 買ったお客は? 貴重品で価値が上がるか? 英語動画 英見聞 Niknews ‘New’ Michael Jackson single a ‘mistake’ the tune had been recorded 18 years ago by an obscure Puerto Rican singer. 091014
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‘New’ Michael Jackson single a ‘mistake’(NBC, Reuters)
マイケルジャクソンの新しい歌 は 間違いだった!(NBC,ロイター)
LOS ANGELES - Michael Jackson didn't do it his way after all.
マイケルジャクソンは、結局 自分のやり方でそれを歌っていなかった。
Hours after the pop singer's first posthumous single "This Is It" was released amid great hype on Monday, it emerged that the tune had been recorded 18 years ago by an obscure Puerto Rican singer.
ポップ歌手の死後 最初の一つの「This Is It」が月曜日に大きな宣伝のもとリリースされたが、数時間後に、歌は無名のプエルトリコの歌手が18年前録音したものと暴露されました。
Moreover the co-author of that tune, "My Way" songwriter Paul Anka, threatened to sue Jackson's estate for proper credit and his share of royalties.
さらに、その曲「My Way」の共著者ソングライター、ポールアンカは、ジャクソンの遺産管理人を 著作権使用料などで訴えると脅迫しました。
'New' Michael Jackson song mystery resolved, Anka gets share (CNN)
‘新しい’マイケルジャクソンの歌のミステリー 解決!、アンカ 分け前を得る
NEW: Paul Anka: Estate made "honest mistake," will split sales
MJの遺産管理人 正直なミステイクをした、売上は半分半分 と ポールアンカ
NEW: Anka: "They apologized and they've given me rightfully what I own"
アンカ: 彼らは謝罪した、当然 私が得る分をくれた と述べる
Jackson's song officially released on michaeljackson.com about midnight Monday
マイケルジャクソンの歌は 月曜日夜中に 公式にmichaeljackson.comで公開された
About 45 seconds of "This Is It" made the rounds online Sunday
およそ45秒の「That Is It」は、日曜日 オンラインで世界に配信された
(CNN) -- The Michael Jackson song "This Is It," released Monday, was co-written and recorded in 1983 with singer-songwriter Paul Anka, Anka and the Jackson estate confirmed Monday afternoon.
月曜日にリリースされた、マイケルジャクソン歌「This Is It」は 1983年に共同で書かれ、ソングライター、ポールアンカによってレコードされていた。とアンカとジャクソン遺産管理人が 共同書で 月曜日の午後に確認した。
Jackson's estate and Sony Music Entertainment did not realize this history when they picked the song out of boxes of tapes in their archives, leading to a big surprise Monday when Anka called them, Anka said.
Jackson, who became busy with the success of his "Thriller" album, never finished the duet recording that was intended for Anka's "Walk a Fine Line" album, Anka said.
スリラーの成功で忙しかったマイケルジャクソンは アンカの"Walk a Fine Line"アルバムへのデュエット録音をけっして完了していなかった。
Latin hip-hop singer Safire recorded and released the song in 1990 -- under the title "I Never Heard," Anka said.
アンカによると ラテンのホップシンガーサファイヤーが 1990年にレコードし、"I Never Heard,"名で公開。
*** マイケルジャクソン 関連サイト-リスト Niknews *****
-pix; Interest has been running high in "This Is It" -- the song, the two-disc album and the movie. -写真; 関心が高い "This Is It" ― ソング、2枚ディスクアルバム と 映画 。
マイケル・ジャクソン THIS IS IT オリジナル・サウンドトラック デラックス・エディション(初回生産限定盤)
"Somebody just innocently found this tape and did not know somebody recorded it with him," Anka said.
Estate spokesman James Bates acknowledged to CNN that the "song was written with the legendary Paul Anka."
マイケルジャクソンの遺産管理のスポーククスマンは CNNに 歌は 伝説のコールアンカと一緒にかかれたものだったと 認めました。
"We picked the song because the lyrics were appropriate given the name Michael gave his tour," Bates said.
It was just a coincidence that the song's first words were the same as Jackson's last planned tour, Anka said.
Monday's release of the lilting love song was part of the promotion for the Sony movie "Michael Jackson's This Is It," which comes out in two weeks.
陽気で快活な愛の歌の月曜日の公開は2週間後に出るソニー映画「マイケルジャクソンのThis Is It」へのプロモーションの一環でした。
Anka said it was "an honest mistake" that the estate's special administrators quickly resolved Monday.
それは ただの正直なミステイクで マイケルジャクソンの遺産管理人は すぐさま問題を解決した と アンカ。
"They realized the mistake," Anka said "They apologized and they've given me rightfully what I own. It's 50-50, right down the middle."
Rob Stringer, chairman of Sony's Columbia/Epic Label Group, was quoted in The New York Times on Sunday as saying he did not know the origins of the song.
Anka, who is heard playing piano on the song, said producers did a beautiful job of completing it.
Backing vocals from Jackson's brothers and orchestration were added to the spare voice and piano track recorded 26 years ago in Anka's studio.
The original version, with just Jackson and Anka, will be included in the two-disc soundtrack, along with the orchestral version, Sony said.
The orchestral version will play at the close of the film, which will feature Jackson's career highlights and last rehearsals, Sony said.
The CD will be released on October 27, coincidental with the debut of the movie, Sony said.
"Disc one features the original album masters of some of Michael's biggest hits such as 'Billie Jean,' 'Smooth Criminal,' 'Human Nature,' and 'Thriller' arranged in the same sequence as they appear in the film," Sony said.
The second disc includes "early demo versions" of Jackson classics "She's Out Of My Life," "Wanna Be Startin' Somethin'" and "Beat It," Sony said.
"This disc also features a recently discovered spoken word poem from Michael Jackson entitled 'Planet Earth," the company said.
The just-released song got widespread airplay on radio shows across the United States Monday, according to Nielsen BDS, a company that tracks music airplay. It the 21st most-played song on the 1,300 stations monitored by Nielsen, with at least 680 "spins" by mid-afternoon, the company said.
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