Getting simultaneous orgasm is one of the biggest challenges of every couple. Somehow, simultaneous orgasm is the cotton proof of sexual harmony between a man and a woman, the notarial act that attests to the erotic and emotional intensity of a shared sexuality.
Simultaneous orgasm was already praised in the classic texts of eroticism. In the scented garden of Sheikh Zafzawi, without going any further, there was already talk of simultaneous culmination as an erotic objective that should be persecuted by every couple. Zafzawi said that in simultaneous orgasm was the secret of love.
Rajataba maintenance of this idea, however, involves an obvious risk: that of, paradoxically, cause an opposite effect to the persecuted. In fact, if the couple becomes obsessed with the achievement of simultaneous orgasm and it does not arrive, frustration can take over it and sex can become something difficult and artificial, exactly the opposite of what sex, to be satisfactory, has What to be really. The act of making love has many pleasant aspects. Obsessing with the end of the trip implies missing the nuances of the road and the small beauties existing in it. Nothing worse than the bonding of an obsession to enjoy something that, by itself, must be absolutely free.

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If, despite all these warnings, your partner and you are tempted by the challenge of reaching simultaneous orgasm, the first thing you should do is know your own sexualities and your own responses to the different erotic stimuli. Just knowing that you can synchronize your sexual answers.
A good way to know those answers is to discover and observe how each one masturbates and, logically, masturbate each other. Nothing better than manual or orally stimulate the couple's genitals to know how it reacts to each caress, to each stimulus, and at what time their body is closer to orgasm. Discover how to press, with what intensity and rhythm or from what angle, can be used to accelerate or stop the excitation of each of the members of that couple who is looking for that gold that is simultaneous orgasm.
The knowledge of sexuality will also allow some control over orgasm to be exercised. This is fundamental in the case of man, who usually is (the scientific data and different studies reveal it) the member of the couple that most quickly reaches orgasm. Early ejaculation is more widespread than what may seem to the naked eye and is one of the great enemies of simultaneous orgasm. With practice and effort, man can learn to control his ejaculation. That will allow him to "wait" for women and be able to synchronize her orgasm with her. An adequate respiratory technique and a repeated practice of Kegel exercises will allow you that ejaculatory control.

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Nighty Dress Sex: Tricks to control sexual excitement

Floating to the edge of orgasm is not the only technique that must be taken into account to achieve simultaneous orgasm. You also have to have another series of "tricks." To know which trick to use at all times, however, it will be absolutely necessary to be pending not only to their own feelings. Avizor will also be necessary to detect variations at the couple's excitative level.
For example: if you find red alive and she is not very excited, you must pay special attention to her stimulation. Finding its preferred erotic posture or stimulating it manual or orally while you try to calm you will be resources at your fingertips to try to take it to the same excitation point that you have at that time.
If, on the contrary, you are the least excited partner, try to serve you the techniques and pleasures of the voyeur to make your erotic temperature rise. Listen to your lover's groans, his agitated breathing, see how his body twisters and twigns, how he bends, how he tries to rub against yours while his expression changes and his lips become more red and thick while his eyes ride into him Ecstasy and his vagina becomes increasingly wet ... The vision of the pleasure of women usually is a wonderful aphrodisiac for man. Focus on that vision if you are in pursuit of simultaneous orgasm order fuck in nighty online.

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In one case and another of the previous two, mutual knowledge will be necessary. That is why it is important, if you want to reach simultaneous orgasm, that there is good communication within the couple. We must not be ashamed when asking for more or, on the contrary, less intensity at a certain moment of intercourse. Sincerity must be absolute and frank, total. This, in theory, must be easier to find in a couple that has a certain route of sexual life in common. It will be there, within that couple, where empathy, trust and mutual knowledge that synchronize the sexual excitement of both bodies can be found.
Prolong the sexual preliminary and seek the adequate erotic position for both members of the couple will be two of the factors that influence the possibility of achieving the long -awaited simultaneous orgasm. In any case, experimentation is the key. The more times love makes love, the easier it will be to achieve simultaneous orgasm. If you have considered reaching it, you know ... stop looking at the computer screen and go find your partner.