よいお年を! | nightsideinkのブログ




Only one day left in 2015. It was a terrible year for me. So many disappointments and trouble.

But there were some good things too. But not enough to make up for all the trouble.

2016 will be better. I am wishing very hard!

My cold is holding my brain hostage so my thoughts are scattered and half formed. Please forgive me. ガーン

I have a lot I want to accomplish in 2016. #1 is studying harder so I can be fluent in Japanese.

#2 Write, write, write. I want to make progress with my novel. I want it to be big, and popular. Iza is such an important character to me. I want everyone to meet her soon.

#3, I want to improve my health! I will also work hard on this. A samurai has to be healthy and fit!

Those are my top 3 goals. I also want to make more Japanese friends so I can learn and have fun when I go to Japan!

2016 will be a good year for all of us, ne? Let's do our best! みんなさん、がんばります!

Do you have any goals for the new year?


Amanda ラブラブ