Clothing for grad din | My little corner of the world

My little corner of the world

just wanna write what I see, what I feel and what I love.

ドキドキ Kou's 14th single is released today! ドキドキ

ラブラブPlease buy it if you guys have enough money! ラブラブ

音譜 For futher information, 音譜

please visit !

2007/ 5/ 29

Looked for the clothing for grad din with Cindy in the afternoon in Tuen Mun. All those dresses we've looked are too girlish.. I can't picture how I look like if I dress it! I have no ideas what I should wear... I just wanna find a dress which's not so girlish and not so sexy! However, I couldn't find one yesterday! Is that really so difficult to find such a dress? Or it's just because my taste is so weird? Finally, we bought nothing !! It wastes my time, though I have much :p

2007/ 5/ 30

Today, I watched Grey Anatomy Series 2 and one episode of Series 3 ( I recorded it last night). And, I read someone's diary for more than a hour. I hope I can lead that kind of life someday :D After that, I had a nap on my sofa. I dreamt of Kou >v< It's wonderful !!! In my dream, Kou visited HK again and I toured her around and took many photos with her!! Wakaka!!! It would be my great honour if I was the private tourist guide of Kou in HK >v< (Haha! day-dreaming!) Now, I have to have my dinner and watch TV :p