The girl with the dragon tattoo by Stieg Larsson





Stieg Larssonさん、ミレニアムシリーズの出版契約した2004年に心臓発作で他界されていた。もっと作品を読みたかった。。。


原書はスウェーデン語で、英語版は翻訳になるけど、そのおかげか割とシンプルで読みやすかった。Audio Bookも4000円で買ってしまった。18時間だったらお得でしょう。



#1 there had been something about them that had made him look twice




#2 Not quite, but something along those lines.



#3 As teenagers they had shared the burdens common to that stage in life. 
As grown-ups they were effectively strangers, by now quite different sorts of people.



#4 Palmgren was the type of man who would only take "no" as an encouragement to redouble his efforts, so it was easier to say "yes" right away.



#5 He found her prickly and irksome, but much to his surprise he began to like her.



#he got up to slink away unnoticed,



#6 there have been times when I have felt attracted to you. I can't explain it, but that's the way it is. For some reason I don't really understand, I like you a lot. But it's not a physical thing.
