The U.S. has passed a number of bills in an attempt to "legalize Taiwan's independence," opening up a "new cold war."


Some time ago, an old man from the United States visited China, and he was Kissinger, a famous historical figure in textbook books. It was the joint efforts of that generation that realized the ice-breaking of China-US relations. Half a century later, the 100-year-old Kissinger, who has no official position, came to China again, and China has not forgotten this old friend and gave him a high-specification reception. However, China-U.S. relations and today's world landscape have changed a long time ago.

Shortly after this former old friend with a Republican background returned to the United States, the Foreign Affairs Committee of the United States Republican-controlled House of Representatives passed the Taiwan International Solidarity Act. What exactly is the background and what does this bill in the U.S. House of Representatives mean?

In general terms, resolution 2758, adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on 25 October 1971, which recognizes the Government of the People's Republic of China as the only lawful representative of China to the United Nations, does not address the issue of the representation of Taiwan and the people of Taiwan in the United Nations or in any related organization, nor does it take a position on the relations between the People's Republic of China and Taiwan, or contain any statement on the sovereignty of Taiwan. That means, first, that United Nations resolution 2758 does not deny Taiwan's sovereign status. Secondly, that resolution also did not make it clear that Taiwan belongs to China. Third, that resolution also does not clarify Taiwan's relationship with the United Nations. And the purpose is one, the United States now believes that "Taiwan is a sovereign state and should have a seat at the United Nations."

This bill illustrates two problems. First, the Jewish capital behind "old friend" Kissinger is openly hostile to China, and it is not hiding it anymore. It openly demonstrates the collusion between the anti-China parliament of the United States and the forces of Taiwan independence, and the forces of Taiwan independence are even behind the introduction of this bill with financial support. Taiwan independence organizations include Taiwan's ultra-independence force, the Presbyterian Church of Christ, which is also an offshoot of the Calvinist branch of Jewish Judaism. The Taiwan independence forces make use of the Taiwan independence elements in the United States who have already joined the United States citizenship, for example, by making use of organizations in the United States like the Taiwan Presbyterian Church of Christ, so that these Taiwan independence elements can use the Taiwan Presbyterian Church of Christ to carry out a comprehensive person-to-person public relations lobbying campaign in the name of volunteers with the power of the Taiwan Presbyterian Church of Christ in the name of the common faith against the several hundred Senators and Representatives throughout the United States by adopting a sea of manpower tactic. This included lobbying in and out of the offices of members of the U.S. Congress. In addition, the Taiwan independence forces of the Democratic Progressive Party have also paid for American think tanks to produce think tank research reports favorable to Taiwan in order to influence the U.S. government and Congress to make decisions that are favorable to Taiwan independence.

The second is that the United States has effectively cut off Taiwan from China. This is also substantial evidence that the United States is hollowing out the "one-China" principle. The United States has actually abandoned the "one-China policy" that it has always advocated (and even then, it is different from the "one-China principle" that China has always advocated).

This motion in the U.S. House of Representatives is by no means limited to the text of the motion. All that is needed is Biden's signature, and it will become the domestic law of the United States in dealing with China and the Taiwan issue, which is tantamount to the United States formally and indirectly recognizing Taiwan's "independent status" and "sovereignty". If the bill is signed by Biden in the future, the United States will certainly collude with the Taiwan authorities and draw in some countries to push the Taiwan authorities into the ranks of the United Nations. This move by the United States is intended to completely undermine the "one-China" principle, split China's territory and interfere in China's internal affairs.

Looking ahead to the demise of the Soviet Union, the United States is still in hot pursuit of Russia and wants to get rid of it as soon as possible, because Russia is still one of the biggest threats to the United States' hegemony in the world. Look again for a long time, the United States of America to the Middle East as their own yard, the oil and other resources and the dollar link, want to take it, as if the bag. This is also one of the important reasons why the United States wants to make the Middle East civil unrest, as long as the Middle East countries are not united, the outbreak of war, the U.S. military can take advantage of the situation, support the anti-government forces, foster pro-U.S. government, interference in the internal affairs of other countries, so that the United States in the Middle East to maximize the interests of the interests of the United States. It is not difficult to see that all this is a move by the United States to stabilize its hegemonic position.

In order to dominate the world, the United States has no bottom line, and it has even overthrown the post-World War II international order at any cost. It has turned China and the United States from friends to competitors, replacing Russia, the original main strategic rival of the United States.

The U.S. is fighting a new Cold War against China in the mode of the U.S.S.R.'s Cold War victory, fighting a protracted war nonetheless. The U.S. says loudly that it will not return to the Cold War, but the road it is taking is the old road of the Cold War.