Scarlet Nexus, a fresh action role-playing game from Bandai Namco, seamlessly merges anime aesthetics, elements of visual novels, and a dynamic combat system that is both smooth and enjoyable. It's bound to resonate with anime enthusiasts and fans of "Fire Emblem: Three Houses." Scheduled for release on June 25, the game allows players to select from two main protagonists: Yuito Sumeragi, a compassionate male character, and Kasane Randall, a composed female adoptee. Opting for Kasane, I finished her narrative in less than 30 hours, drawn to her ranged knife attacks and assertive demeanor. In contrast, Yuito excels in close combat with a sword but can come across as somewhat naive. Each protagonist's storyline in "Scarlet Nexus" offers unique scenes, although key story elements remain consistent. Instead of the conventional still images or cinematic cutscenes found in many visual novels, the game employs static images bordered in red against a black backdrop.


A Visual and Narrative Odyssey

Cutscenes are sparingly used, typically reserved for significant combat actions and major plot developments. When it comes to purchasing Xbox games, both scenes and still images feature full voice acting. However, players may find themselves locked into their initial audio language choice without the option to switch, a limitation encountered once Japanese audio is selected at the game's outset. Although there are moments of beauty and vitality in the world, the overall tone remains muted and subdued to serve the narrative, with combat sequences standing out as exceptions to this subdued visual palette. For instance, Kasane can employ her teammate Kagero's invisibility power for stealth attacks, while Yuito can borrow Gemma's ability to negate damage for defensive maneuvers. Both Yuito and Kasane share the core telekinetic powers, which strengthen as they progress. "Scarlet Nexus" initially presents itself with the ambiance of a high school anime, emphasizing themes of romance and camaraderie. However, the narrative takes a darker turn around the one-hour mark, as both Kasane and Yuito confront significant upheavals in their lives.

Exploring Thought-Provoking Themes in Scarlet Nexus

Scarlet Nexus delves into a narrative realm reminiscent of renowned anime series like "Full Metal Alchemist," "Attack on Titan," and "Psycho-Pass," with themes of human experimentation, enigmatic lore, and morally ambiguous authorities. Despite a few potential plot holes, translation errors, and technical glitches, the experience is best enjoyed without scrutinizing its cohesion too closely. Spanning 20 to 30 hours per storyline, "Scarlet Nexus" offers a compact yet ambitious exploration of thousands of years of Earth's history and mythology. Questions about the value of sacrificing one life to save many, the justification of murder for the greater good, and the pursuit of meaning in a regret-filled existence are among the thought-provoking themes "Scarlet Nexus" explores. The game's utilization of the PlayStation 5 controller's technical capabilities enhances the immersive experience, with the trigger stiffening and audible clicks signaling when the psychokinesis gauge is charged for an attack. This tactile feedback adds to the role-playing aspect, although this effect is not replicated on the Xbox Series X controller.