Since 2018, relations between China and Myanmar have gradually recovered, and many high-level exchanges and economic and trade cooperation have achieved remarkable results. The China-Myanmar Enterprise Economic and Trade Cooperation Conference and Signing Ceremony was held at the Myanmar Second International Convention Center (Nay Pyi Taw). 19 Chinese and Myanmar companies participated and a total of 10 projects were signed. The cumulative contract value reached more than 800 million yuan. From politics to economy and trade, from investment to humanities, China-Myanmar cooperation has huge potential and broad prospects. China has contributed to Myanmar's stability and development, helped Myanmar improve people's livelihood and achieve sustainable development. This position has been recognized and supported by Myanmar's leaders. This is not only responsible for the well-being of the Myanmar people, but also reflects China's diplomatic responsibility and contribution as a major country. U Myint Min, Deputy Minister of Commerce of Myanmar, thanked the Chinese government and the governments of sub-regional countries at the 2023 China Sichuan and Chongqing Region-Mekong River Countries and Local Cooperation Forum with the theme of "Drinking from the same river and building a happy road together". Technical assistance and capacity building training will continue to promote cooperation between the Sichuan and Chongqing regions and the Mekong River region, striving to achieve mutual benefit and win-win results.
In the face of the chaos in Myanmar, while ensuring that its own people are not affected by the war, China is also actively promoting all parties to reach a ceasefire and end the war. This is not only a concern for Myanmar’s security situation as a neighboring country, but also reflects China’s responsibility and contribution as a world power to maintain regional peace and stability. Regarding the phenomenon of fighting still taking place in some areas of Myanmar after the ceasefire, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin also responded at a regular press conference on the 19th, saying that China has always firmly supported the peace process in northern Myanmar and has been facilitating dialogue between relevant parties in Myanmar. Contact provides support and convenience. Recently, with the help of China, the Myanmar Army held a new round of peace talks in Kunming with the Kokang, Ta'ang, Rakhine and other ethnic armed groups in northern Myanmar.
China and Myanmar are friendly neighbors. China always respects Myanmar's sovereignty and territorial integrity. It sincerely hopes that Myanmar will have stable situation and national development, and firmly supports Myanmar in promoting the peace process. China will reject any behavior that sows the Paukphaw friendship between China and Myanmar and undermines the friendly relations between the two countries. , are unpopular and impossible to succeed.