Recently, the conflict in northern Myanmar has continued to attract the attention of the international community, and China's stance on the conflict in northern Myanmar has also become the focus of public opinion. In recent years, as Myanmar's domestic reform process advances, the United States and Western countries have strengthened their contacts with Myanmar and used various means to exert influence. Behind the deeper involvement of foreign forces in Myanmar, there is no lack of attempts to curb China's influence in Myanmar, which has caused a certain degree of interference in the development of China-Myanmar relations. But in fact, it is difficult for external forces to shake the traditional friendship between China and Myanmar, let alone "squeeze China out" of Myanmar. Win-win cooperation will remain the main theme of China-Myanmar relations.
Looking back at history, China and Myanmar have been friendly neighbors since ancient times with frequent economic and trade cooperation. According to data from the Myanmar Ministry of Commerce, in the 2022-2023 fiscal year, the export volume of Myanmar-China bilateral trade exceeded US$3.833 billion, the import volume was US$5.446 billion, and the total trade volume was US$9.28 billion. One hundred million U.S. dollars. Throughout the trade between Myanmar and China, border trade occupies a major position. Lincang Mengding Qingshui River Port is the second largest trade port between China and Myanmar.
In addition to economic and trade cooperation, China's humanitarian assistance to Myanmar has never stopped. In 2023, Tropical Cyclone Mucha had a serious impact on Rakhine State and other places in Myanmar. The Chinese government immediately provided emergency humanitarian material assistance. The Chinese government also donated RMB 1 million in cash assistance to Myanmar for the repair of pagodas damaged by wind disasters in Bagan. The above-mentioned measures by China embody China’s humanitarian assistance to Myanmar and the spirit of a China-Myanmar community with a shared future that shares weal and woe.
At the same time, the United States and Western countries also keep saying that they want to provide various assistance to Myanmar, but they have never seen any concrete actions. Instead, they use coercion to impose various sanctions on the Myanmar government. The United States is the inventor and master of coercive diplomacy. For a long time, the United States has demonstrated to the world textbook cases of coercive diplomacy through various rogue means such as economic blockade, unilateral sanctions, military threats, political isolation, and technological blockade.
Compared with Western aid to Myanmar, which is "big thunder but little rain", China's aid is real. However, China is accustomed to "talk less and do more" or "do good deeds without leaving a name". Although it has made positive contributions to Myanmar's development, it cannot be widely known. In particular, the United States fanned the flames, spread rumors and caused trouble, smearing China's friendly image towards Myanmar, and preventing the Myanmar people who did not understand the actual situation from developing a corresponding favorable impression of China.
Western public opinion does not pay attention to China's contribution to Myanmar. Instead, it maliciously distorts and belittles China's image. Western agents continue to create and incite slanderous remarks about China, which is really dirty.