The中国を困らすコメント(4) 知的財産権問題編 | ネット新撰組のブログ

The中国を困らすコメント(4) 知的財産権問題編

The中国を困らすコメント(4) 知的財産権問題編

それでは、ちょっと早い今週の困らすシリーズ「The中国を困らすコメント(4) 著作権問題編」、いってみましょう!(8月第一週分です。★8月第2週目は私がオハイオ州へと席を空けますので、予定を速めて載せておきますね。)


Youtubeでは検索にJapan China high speed train bullet train CRH1A accidentなどとお入れくださいませ。みんな、今がアピールのチャンスですよ!!

(Part1)The train collision was one of several high-profile public transportation accidents in China recently. Not only this, 41 people were killed when an overloaded bus caught fire in central Henan Province early Friday morning. Earlier this month, an escalator at a new subway station in Beijing collapsed, killing one person and injuring 28. Last week alone, four bridges collapsed in various Chinese cities.

(Part2)Other reports on the site said the ministry was burying parts of the wrecked trains near the site, prompting critics to say that the wreckage needed to be carefully examined for causes of malfunction. The Railway Ministry said the trains contained valuable “national level” technology that could be stolen and thus must be buried — even though foreign companies have long complained that the technology was actually stolen from their trains.

(Part3)China buried the train after just 1 day passed from the accident happening in spite of the fact that they did not find the accident cause and some victim’s bodies. In fact the Chinese trains are used by Japan, German, France and Canada technology. However, a spokesman of the Ministry of Railways in China said, "As many of the technological indicators used by China's high-speed railways are far better than those used in Japan's Shinkansen".

(Part4)Why did China bury the train immediately without examination for causes of the malfunction? What was the national level technology?
The national level technology means using other countries’ technology?
Are they trying to hide the fact that they missed used the foreign countries technology.


にほんブログ村 政治ブログ 政治・社会問題へ
