BIOCENTRISM:生命や意識が宇宙の根源であるという仮説:無双PS原理に通ずる | Resurrection : 復活の森:ヤポネシア、夜明けと目覚めの光復:GP陰陽哲理学Gaussian Plane Yin-Yang Philosophience


  • What Happens When You Die

    New theory says death isn't the end

    • Book “Biocentrism”

      Biocentrism Book Cover

      How Life and Consciousness are the Keys to Understanding the True Nature of the Universe

      “Any short statement does not do justice to such a scholarly work.”

      Nobel Prize Winner E. Donnall Thomas, referring to Lanza’s A New Theory of the Universe

    • The Biocentric Universe Theory

      Photo of Space
      The Biocentric Universe Theory: Stem-cell guru Robert Lanza presents a radical new view of the universe and everything in it.

      Discover Magazine

    • A New Theory of the Universe

      Photo of Green Electric Waves
      A New Theory of the Universe: Biocentrism builds on quantum physics by adding life to the equation.

      The American Scholar

    • Will Biology Solve the Universe?

      Photo of a DNA strand
      A new theory asserts that biology, not physics, will be the key to unlocking the deepest mysteries of the universe.

    • Theory of every-living-thing

      Photo of Cosmic Pixie Dust
      The quest to unify all of physics into a “the theory of everything” has inspired a host of ideas. Now a pioneer in the field of stem cell research has weighed in with an essay that brings biology and consciousness into the mix. Cosmic Log

    Biocentrism (theory of everything) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - キャッシュ - このページを訳す
    Biocentrism also known as the biocentric universe — is a concept proposed in 2007 by American Doctor of medicine Robert Lanza. In this view, life and biology are central to being, reality, and the cosmos — life creates the universe rather ...
    Theory - Reception and criticism - See also - References

    Robert Lanza, M.D. – BIOCENTRISM - キャッシュ - このページを訳す の結果をすべてブロック
    Biocentrism is a new “Theory of Everything” proposed by American scientist Robert Lanza.